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水循环真空泵 进口水循环真空泵 德国进口水循环真空泵Water ring vacuum pump


水循环真空泵高温度≤100℃,特殊配置可达150℃,环境温度一般≤40℃最大工作压力(进口压力+泵送压力):1.0MPa(Hsp≤75m)或1.6MPa (Hsp>75m)特殊配置可分别达1.6MPa或2.5Mpa允许输送介质。
  水循环真空泵高温度≤100℃,特殊配置可达150℃,环境温度一般≤40℃最大工作压力(进口压力+泵送压力):1.0MPa(Hsp≤75m)或1.6MPa (Hsp>75m)特殊配置可分别达1.6MPa或2.5Mpa允许输送介质:清水或物理化学性质类似清水的其他液体密封水管部件:进口压力≥0.03 Mpa 时不安装 结构设计:单级双吸轴向中开涡壳离心泵,卧式安装,驱动机(电动机或内燃机)可根据需要设置在泵的左侧或右侧(即面向出口,驱动机在左侧为逆时针旋转

  造型新颖,使用方便。本机泵头直接浸入水中,整机高度较低、体积小、重量轻、移动方便、可置于工作台上,便于操作观察,水箱上盖为活式安装,可以打开,便于加水和检修。 本机安装了两个抽气嘴,可单独或同时抽气作业。每个抽气嘴各装一个真空表,可以方便地观察真空度,抽气管路上装有止回阀,可防止抽真空作业意外停机时,循环水回流到被抽真空的设备中去。耐腐蚀、无污染。本机水泵部件采用不锈钢,不受酸碱等腐蚀物的影响;同时不产生任何污染实验室的油污、杂质等。

Overview of water circulation vacuum pumps:
The water circulation pump in high temperature are less than 100, a special configuration can reach 150 DEG C, the environment temperature is not higher than 40 DEG maximum working pressure (pump inlet pressure + pressure):1.0MPa (Hsp = 75m) or 1.6MPa (Hsp>75m) special configuration can respectively reach 1.6MPa or 2.5Mpa to allow the transport medium.
I. principle of water circulation vacuum pump
The water circulation pump in high temperature are less than 100, a special configuration can reach 150 DEG C, the environment temperature is not higher than 40 DEG maximum working pressure (pump inlet pressure + pressure):1.0MPa (Hsp = 75m) or 1.6MPa (Hsp>75m) special configuration can respectively reach 1.6MPa or 2.5Mpa allows other conveying medium: liquid water or similar physical and chemical properties water sealing pipe parts: the inlet pressure is greater than or equal to 0.03 Mpa when the structure is installed: single stage double suction centrifugal pump axial opening, horizontal installation, drive (motor or diesel) can be arranged on the left or right side of the pump according to the needs (i.e. export oriented, drive on the left side is counterclockwise
Characteristics of water circulation vacuum pump
Water saving effect is obvious. Because the water circulation operation is used, the water in the water tank can be used circularly, and the phenomenon that a large amount of water is wasted when the direct tap water is used for obtaining vacuum is overcome. As a result, in a working day of continuous operation in the calculation, to achieve the same degree of vacuum conditions, the use of this product can be more than 10 tons of water, and a water can be used for a long time, the lack of water or shortage of water pressure is especially suitable for laboratory.
Multifunctional comprehensive action. In addition to providing vacuum conditions, the utility model can also perform external circulation operation at the same time, and provides circulating cooling water for the reaction device. This machine is connected with the tap water, the amount of injection water, can be a long time continuous operation conditions, to keep the vacuum cooling water temperature and water quality change, can not only ensure the vacuum degree, and can realize the cooling water supply.
The utility model has the advantages of novel design and convenient operation. The pump head is directly immersed in water, the low height, small volume and light weight, easy to move, can be placed on the worktable, easy to observe, the upper cover of the water tank for installation, you can open, easy maintenance and water. The machine is equipped with two suction nozzles, which can be operated separately or at the same time. Each suction nozzle is equipped with a vacuum meter, so that the vacuum degree can be observed conveniently, and a check valve is arranged on the exhaust pipe, which can prevent the vacuum pumping operation from returning to the vacuum pumping device when the machine stops unexpectedly. Corrosion resistance, no pollution. The water pump parts are made of stainless steel, free from acid and alkali corrosion. At the same time, they do not cause any pollution, such as oil pollution, impurities and so on.


  • 地址:上海市徐汇区龙漕路51弄
  • 电话:021-51619398
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